Pituitary dwarfism in 4 German Sheperd dogs


Congenital pituitary dwarfism is a rare disease due to inadequate pituitary GH secretion. It’s mainly described in German Shepherd dogs and the classical clinical signs, related to retardation of growth, are well described in the veterinary literature. Less information are present regarding the diagnostic procedures and the therapeutic approach of the disease. In this case series the clinical pathology findings of 4 German Shepherd dogs, referred for poor growth and abnormally soft and woolly hair coat are described. Hypothesis of pituitary dwarfism was confirmed by physical examination and a complete diagnostic work-up including the GHRH stimulation test, the serum concentration of IGFI and a specific genetic test that permit to detect the mutation of the gene Lhx3.

EPub: VETERINARIA: Official Journal of SCIVAC, 24(6):45-52 December 2010
RGID: 298946062
Full text: article.pdf

Authors: Mercuriali Edy, Corradini Sara, Voorbij Annemarie, Sella Sara, Kooistra Hans S, Fracassi Federico,


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