Presumptive cystic haemorrhages in a cat with polycystic kidney and hepatic disease.


An adult Persian cat was referred after an abdominal ultrasound revealed a polycystic renal and hepatic disease along with a suspected renal mass on the left kidney. Two non-enhancing, hyperattenuating cysts were detected on CT on the left and on the right kidney, respectively. A presumptive diagnosis of intracystic bleeding was made, and the subsequently performed aspiration biopsies confirmed a chronic haemorrhage. At 12 months, the CT showed that the same renal lesions appeared similar. The present findings suggest that bleeding from cystic lesions should be considered in case of non-enhancing, heterogeneous and hyperattenuating renal lesions in cats

EPub: Veterinary Record Case Reports 2015 Oct;3(1):e000224
DOI: 10.1136/vetreccr-2015-000224
RGID: 283887366
AIRID: 2434/432581

Authors: Longo Maurizio, Zini Eric, Specchi Swan, Piseddu Eleonora, Auriemma Edoardo.


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